I cannot believe it has been a month since my last post. It doesn't seem that long to me. It has been crazy around the Miller household. I am working on making most of my christmas presents and I am almost finished. I am just waiting for the Simiplicity pattern sale at Joann's next week before I can start on my last present. I don't want to give it away in case the bearer might read but I will be modifiying Simiplicity 2479.
Devon is cruising! And, I fear, transistioning from 2-3 naps to 1-2 naps. Wow, She is unbelieveably happy and good but still a handful. Between Devon, keeping house, making christmas presents and fending off family visits and gatherings, blogging has, obviously, fallen by the wayside.
However, we are back on track and have plenty of blog fodder.
First up my present to my brother, Shaun, for his birthday back in Nov. I whipped up this piratey laptop case to counter his strong alligance to Ninjas. I just cannot condone the belief in a creature tha died in the 19th century. He needs to break ties with the dark side and join the pirate cause. I only hope this case will serve as a constant reminder of how wrong he is.
This case is lined with pirate fabric and has 2 in gussets at the bottom. It is nice and roomy to accomodate cords and software. Lightly padded as well. I loved making it, giggling the whole time.
Check back for more in a few days, the little one is waking!