Well almost like Laurie...Ok on the path to be like Laurie Perry. I scored a pretty sweet part time gig writing Arts & Crafts Articles for the Examiner.com Atlanta . I love it- I totally work from home and am writing about one of my biggest passions. Check it out and pass it one to anyone who might be interested (because I am paid per page view and I need to buy more fabric to keep up with Devon's rapidly growing legs...more on that later). I am also always open to topic suggestions, so feel free to drop me a line if you have a new fabric that you love or that you are debuting (nudge, nudge designers), a pattern that is beyond amazing, or just amazing, or any project that has you all hot and bothered. I will include your name and links as a thank you for helping me deliver new content.
On to Devon's ever growing legs (and the rest of her). She is already into 3 mo clothing and soon to move up to 6 mo and she is just 9 weeks. I can see the changes everyday! I have pulled out many of my fabric remnants and am beginning the process of making pants for my little one. She has rompers out the ears but when it comes to dressing her bottom half, she has maybe 2 pair. Mom to the rescue. I am pulling out the rick-rack, ribbon and buttons. I can't wait to have to finished projects to show you. I better get back up there- Time's a-wasting.