Almost a month without a post. Fear not I have properly slapped myself on the wrist for my shameful behavior. Many events have lead to this fortuitous rendezvous. I have suffered through the most trying time of my pregnancy. I am happy to announce that I am first trimester free with only indigestion to remind me of those long days with the porcelain goddess to hear my moans and the pantry doors mocking me for my lack of interest in its treasures. I am 5 mo and loving it now. Still only showing about every 3rd day, I can remain hidden free from poking fingers and unrequested advice. We have been barraged with an unending list of name recommendations. When I get one, I blame my husband for it not making the list and he does that same. We now only have a short list hanging on our pantry door (similar to a grocery list) under the sonogram pictures. I never feel guilty refilling my bowl with chocolate chips or doritos when I see those pictures. Baby gets what baby wants. Plus, I justify to myself, I didn't eat anything for about 4 mo and I need to catch up.
Second, My sister has been suffering through a bad case of post-partum depression since the birth of her son, Julian, in April. It has been hard for the whole family particularly since until May none of us was familiar with the condition. We have been learning as we go and trying to be there for her and Julian as much as we can.
Third, I have been gainfully employed for almost 3 weeks now. It feels so good, even more so since I can work from home. I am a freelance writer contracted as a consultant for an up & coming luxury home good store. I am beginning with product descriptions (which plays a big role in my expanded vocabulary and extra flowery language above, it is hard to get out of the description writing character). I will later be working on articles, email marketing and blogging. It should be alot of fun.
Now that we have the business out of the way, let's get back to why we are really here: the crafts.
Here is what I have been churning out since my last post:
This is the first in a series of dishcloth aprons I hope to have in the shop soon! The second was a gift to my mother in law embroidered with Fra mor (norweign for Father's mother or paternal grandmother). She loved it. Picture of that on to follow as soon as she uploads it from her camera.
Here is another set of changing pads for Julian and his mom. I recycle old towels that are still soft. Most have bleach spots so I don't use them anymore. I just cut around the bleach part and good as new. I have some really great colors to choose from too.
I have also been painting the baby's room. Med bright green is very hard to paint. I have done 3 coats so far. so much for my 2 week deadline.
On the chair front, it is going very slowly. I figured ripping off the old fabric would take a few hours. Those tacks are in there good and it is taking quite a bit longer. I hope to have pictures soon.
Also, I have sold 3 pattern downloads. I am over the moon that they are this successful. Thank you!!