I live in a pretty strict neighborhood, as far as architecture and historical aesthetics go. That means no parking huge RVs in front of your house, Leaving your car on cinder blocks and any other, general, sometimes small infractions. In my case, an unpainted pine shelving unit holding empty pots and garden equipment destined for greatness. Well, I received my letter from the HOA suggesting that I put my shelves and ugly equipment where the sun don't shine, my garage.
"Ha", said I shaking my fist, "No one tells me what I can't keep on my front porch, I will show them!"
I ran to my local superstore and picked up 2 cans of pale yellow spray paint. In this case, I believe the color name was Stick-it to the Man Yellow and started looking for some outdoor fabric. Apparently, outdoor fabric in any bright happy, fun time, garden colors is not very common, so I grabbed a vinyl table cloth (go for the oblong- more fabric) and set to work.
I painted the unit, that took about 2 hours with drying time- no problem. Then I sewed up my table cloth with a center box pleat and side seams. If you are careful where you make your cut on the tablecloth you don't have to double turn the top. I added my sew-on/adhesive Velcro and Voila- A festive garden hutch- in the exact same place on my front porch with all the same stuff, minus the empty- now filled pots and I have successfully bite my thumb at the HOA. Ahh the simple things!