Well, I started a knitting group in my neighborhood and it was a success from the beginning. In my whole experience teaching knitting (all of 2, count 'em, 2) it seems I have a knack for it. Our first meeting was Nov 20 (just 2 days before Big Thursday) and 3 ladies showed. I taught one that night. This past Tuesday (oh, silly me, I forgot to add that we meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month), 5 ladies showed and I taught 2 to knit, one the purl stitch and taught one a 2 min refresher. She hasn't knit since her daughter was born 8 mo ago and even still only the knit stitch. The group/class is scheduled to go from 7-8, but we were there till 9pm. I enjoy getting to know my neighbors so much. One of the ladies (she was crocheting that night) lives right across the street and this was our first meeting. Man, I love my new neighborhood! We also learned about 1 mo before we moved in that one of Garrett's good friends, that he grew up with, also lives in the neighborhood. His wife and I have become close and we are actually planning a Neighborhood Networking Party for January. We have a big brainstorming meeting next Wed that oddly enough will require wine, food and probably alot of discussion over how crazy Britney is this week. It is bound to be very productive.
On the baking front: I am making cookies....lots of cookies. It could be that it is cold or the holidays but I can't keep sugar, eggs or flour stocked enough. Totally unrelated, my jeans are a little snug. Hmmm.
I have also rearranged my living room. It all started with changing the slip covers, which in and of itself is a 2 hour endeavor. Then, I just wasn't happy with the arrangement. One couch was up against the left wall and you could not see the TV while sitting on it. So means 2 humans and 2 dogs would usually squeeze onto the other which was parallel to the fireplace. This meant that when Garrett got home and I was still cooking that the majority of our conversations were with his back to me facing the TV. This doesn't make for very involved conversations. Now we can use both couches and I get at least half his attention should the TV be on. You don't pick the battles you think you can win, you fight the battles that are worth fighting.
I think my favorite piece in the living room is the secretary desk by the fireplace. This is not its final home but it works to cover all the wires we have over there. Eventually we will add built in bookshelves that will continue out from the fireplace. I also want to introduce more traditional furniture. This modernish-ness really worked in our old house but our craftsman style needs something different. I was thinking along the lines of the red velvet couch from "Because I said so" It has a rolled back and arms and it is tufted. I did find a similar one that is a very good price, no tufts, but comes in velvet. What do you think?
What an awesome living room. And I love that each doggy has his own couch :)
Posted by: Felicia | Thursday, December 06, 2007 at 08:12 PM
Sounds like a fun group! I rearrange the furniture all the time... something with being bored and finding other ways to make the room look great. I love the dogs sitting there so well.
Posted by: Jen | Monday, December 10, 2007 at 09:38 AM