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Wednesday, October 31, 2007


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This is dreadful. I'm so glad you've taken a stand against it. I ran across a website today with similar (but more vocal) sentiments and it just frustrated me. Perhaps if we all buy these stamps we can make a difference. (And, of course, reply to those emails with better information.)

It just saddens me to read these kind of vicious emails; that breed contempt and intolerance - especially when America claims to be Oh-so Godly and "democracy" loving. It just makes me hurt in my soul that something so little - a stamp to commemorate a sacred holiday that gives other joy and hope can be used for manipulative purposes. Every Muslim I have met and I've met a great deal are strongly opposed the attacks on 9/11 with a passion that would give these "stamp bycotters" a run for their money. Sorry for ranting off at you - it just makes me so angry!!
On a different note, I have been greatly enjoying reading your blog and your daily musings!

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